The 'lifestyle change' is not really in full effect yet, so I am still loading up on crap. Bob Harper would say "Start this very instant." Bob has clearly never been a fat chick with her monthly guest on the brink of joining WW for the umpteenth time. Kiss my ass, Bob!
The budget is in the formation stages. Formed mainly inside my head and rarely applied on paper. I did balance my checkbook yesterday, which can I just say I loathe with the white hot fire of a volcanic eruption, and it looks pretty good. Of course one of our kittens, only having been here a week, has a sore foot, and will undoubtedly need some sort of limb transplant. Lucky for her, she is adorable and I am already madly in love with her.
Organization. Funny story. My mother in law bought me a Mom's Family Calendar for Christmas. It is all about getting you organized. Nothing says you are a sucky mother and wife like a lets get you organized calendar, but that is another blog for a much more bloated and bitchy day. The thing is, I need it, and I actually like the calendar. So there is this planner that goes along with it. I decided it would be good. I looked it up on Amazon, decided I could find it locally, and didn't order it. Then I drove to the mall last night to find it was closed (which an organized person would have checked on first) then drove to another bookstore that was open but didn't carry it. So now it is 10:15 at night and I can't stop laughing at the fact that I am driving around on a freezing ass Friday night searching for an organizer. Proof positive that no one needs this thing more than I do. Will place Amazon order later....not sure what time :)
Sex Life: No headway. See aforementioned note about monthly guest. Mother Nature is a whore and I hate her.
Substance: I have not yet picked up a book, and I spend last night watching all the episodes of Ashley Paige: Bikini or Bust. I am so ashamed.
I actually added another resolution of sorts. Physical Appearance. Not plastic surgery or anything, but I just want to get back to be the sexy, glowy, such a pretty face girl, instead of the frumpadump I have been lately. My skin looks like hell, all my own doing by the way. What 34 year old woman moisturizes daily? Oh, wait, all of them, at least the ones that don't want to look 74. Plus, courtesy of diet and hormones and genetics and probablly global warming, I still break out regularly. So last night, I ordered Proactiv. I figure I will give it a month and see what's what. And I am considering lopping off some more hair. I took off 6 inches a couple months ago, but it wasn't really as short as I wanted it, so I am thinking let's go balls to the wall and shave the fucker.....maybe. We'll see. I have been known to back out of these things before.
And lastly, I am beginning a full on closet purge. I have some seriously "What Not to Wear" stuff going on, boxes and boxes of stuff that doesn't fit, etc. I am ridiculously attached to my clothes, not really sure why. Nothing a good therapist couldn't figure out, I'm sure. But I am going to try and let some of my babies go. Free to good homes if anyone is interested :)
That's all. In short, we are making progress, but cautiously. Wouldn't want to do things to fast, I am like the non injured kitten. Sudden movements make me cagey. That's why exercise is so hard....yeah, that's a good one.
P.S. A little TY shout out to Jen, for IMing me and gently reminding me to blog. She kinda rocks my freakin world. Muah!
Nice blog, glad you are writing it. You can gain plenty of support and insight here. I wish you all the best this year in accomplishing your goals, and more importantly I hope you have a great day. You can do it. One day at a time!